Friday, September 28, 2007

Well here is Sefrou I am busier than a bee in honey season so I will give a brief update. This past week has been full of language and good food (they feed me like a queen) and a trip to the public bath house. This has to be the highlight of my week. My host family does not have a bathroom per say so we packed up our buckets, towels and soap and stripped down in the Hamam. I scrubbed from head to toe by my host sister and I came out radiant as a sunbeam. We head back to Fes to meet up with the rest of the volunteers and debrief about our experiences. In between my own language endevours, the other volunteers and I are working on programs at the youth house where we spend our evenings. I am developing a poetry class that should be presented within the month. I guess I have to do some real grown up things - hoot!!


Anonymous said...

"Radiant as a sunbeam". I can only imagine!! I guess it's gotta last you a whole week. Glad you are well.

Anonymous said...

Ooops! That would be me, Mrs. H.

Anonymous said...

Hi darlin',

I love reading your blog; you're incredibly well-spoken (so to speak), and you always have amazing stories to share!

Anyway, just wanted to let you know that I love and miss you dearly . . . I think about you often and am glad to see that you're doing well :)

Anonymous said...

Like mother, like daughter.

The previous post was from me, Nicoletta.

Love you,

Anonymous said...

Hi Nicole! Best wishes from Ryan and me! I'm so envious of your exotic travels. My prayers are with you.